Back To The Office: Marketers And Agencies Increase Days In The Office, Slightly Out-Commuting Average Americans For the First Time Post-Pandemic

May 20, 2024 By Pierre Bouvard

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What is the latest on the state of media agency and marketer commuting patterns?

Marketers and agencies are increasing their commutes and spending more days at the office, according to a new Advertiser Perceptions study of 305 media agencies and brands commissioned by the Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group®. Interviews took place April 2-12, 2024 and the results were compared to the same study conducted in April 2022, October 2022, April 2023, and October 2023.

The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® also commissioned a MARU/Matchbox study to examine the commuting habits of everyday Americans. The nationally representative study was conducted April 2024 among 1,617 adults 18+. These results were compared to the same questions asked by Nielsen and MARU/Matchbox over the past four years.

Despite the marketing industry historically working from home more than average Americans, the new studies reveal the two groups are now more aligned with their commutes.

Here are the key findings:

87% of marketers and media agencies now commute to the office, up from 63% in April 2022

In April 2024, 41% marketers and agencies were working in the office “most days,” a 2X increase from 22% in April 2022. The proportion who only work from home dropped from 37% in April 2022 to 13% in April 2024, the lowest in the post-pandemic era.

Almost half of media agencies and brands say they are “commuting to work some days” (46%).

85% of average Americans are commuting to work, slightly less than marketers and agencies, a first

Among average Americans who commuted to work prior to the pandemic, the April 2024 MARU/Matchbox study found 85% are currently working outside of the home. This is consistent with the last two years. October 2023 was the outlier when 94% indicated they commuted to work. 

The “back to the office” gap between average Americans and brands/media agencies has closed. In early 2022, average Americans were much more likely (+23 points) to be working outside the home versus those in the media and marketing industry.  As of April 2024, an equal proportion of advertising industry and everyday Americans commute to work.

AM/FM radio’s share of ad-supported audio in the car has been consistently dominant at an 86% share, according to Edison Research’s Q4 2023 “Share of Ear” report

Edison Research’s quarterly “Share of Ear” study is the authoritative examination of time spent with audio in America. Over the last decade, Edison Research has surveyed 4,000 Americans annually to measure daily reach and time spent for all forms of audio.

In the recently released Q4 2023 study, the share of listening to ad-supported audio content in a car or truck that goes to AM/FM radio is a dominant 86% share. Since 2017, AM/FM radio’s share of ad-supported in-car listening has been steady in the high 80s.

For marketers and media agencies the message is clear: Out-of-home media audiences have roared back as billboards, digital signage, and AM/FM radio offer mass reach at full pre-pandemic levels.

The return-to-work trend has less of an impact on digital audio such as Spotify, Pandora, and podcasts, which are primarily consumed at home.

The average number of marketer/agency office days stayed consistent at 4 days but this average is misleading

Versus April 2023, those in the advertising business working four or more days at the office increased from 58% to 65%. Compared to April 2023, those clocking just one to three days at the office dropped from 42% to 36%. Currently, marketers and media agencies report spending four days in the office, up from 3.8 days in April 2023.

Average Americans are clocking slightly more days at work (4.3) compared to the advertising industry (4)

Compared to ad industry workers, typical Americans are more likely to be exposed to outdoor ads and AM/FM radio commercials since they commute slightly more days.

61% of marketers and agencies have resumed in-person media vendor meetings; 60% have resumed in-person conferences and events

An additional 30% of media agencies and advertisers say they will resume in-person media vendor meetings in the next six months.

When it comes to in-person conferences and events, 28% say they will resume attending in the next six months.

Key findings:

  • 87% of marketers and agencies now commute to the office, up from 63% in April 2022
  • 85% of average Americans are commuting to work
  • The share of listening to ad-supported audio content in a car or truck that goes to AM/FM radio is a dominant 86% share, according to Edison Research’s Q4 2023 “Share of Ear” report
  • The average number of marketer/agency office days has shifted; 4+ days in the office are up while those commuting 1-3 days are down
  • Average Americans are clocking slightly more days at work (4.3) compared to the advertising industry (4)
  • 61% of marketers and agencies have resumed in-person media vendor meetings; 60% have resumed in-person conferences and events

Click here to view an 11-minute video of the key takeaways.

Pierre Bouvard is Chief Insights Officer of the Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group®.