
Audio Active Group®

Nielsen Infographic: The Six R’s Of Radio

By Brad Kelly
Radio is an integral part of media consumption for millions of Americans. For some advertisers, radio is the best kept secret in media. In order to better tell radio’s story, Nielsen created “The Six R’s of Radio” -- remind, register, reinforce, relate, reach, and return. These are key attributes of radio that can help advertisers build winning media plans.

Country Radio: Four Hits From The Heartland

By Lauren Vetrano
Country is America’s radio format, owning airwaves with the best tailgate anthems, ballads, and songs for love and heartbreak. With the Academy of Country Music Awards coming up this Sunday, we take a look at this community-driven audience to better understand where they come from, what’s important to them, and what they predict will happen.

Four Digital Audio Head Snappers From Edison’s 2017 Infinite Dial Study

By Pierre Bouvard

Edison’s Infinite Dial is the longest-running survey of digital media consumer behavior in America. Here are four surprising digital audio findings from Edison’s recently released study of 2,000 Americans, 12 years and older, surveyed this year in January and February.