Posts by

Pierre Bouvard

Marketing Strategies For An Unpredictable Economy: How A Focus On Emotional Campaigns And A Budget Shift To AM/FM Radio Can Keep Brands Afloat During Financial Uncertainty

By Pierre Bouvard
Economic uncertainty can be daunting for advertisers but navigating it is not impossible. Here are six best practices for how advertisers can proceed to ensure their brands stay relevant and sales are protected.

Proving Radio Works with Measurement: Welcome To The Golden Age Of Radio Attribution

By Pierre Bouvard
Four executives from companies leading the radio attribution revolution presented brand new studies and insights on a panel called “Proving Radio Works: Attribution and Measurement” at Radio Ink’s Forecast 2020 conference yesterday. Here are some of the highlights.

Rideshare Giants Uber And Lyft Find Ideal Customer Base In AM/FM Radio Listeners

By Pierre Bouvard
To understand the awareness and usage of Uber and Lyft and their customer loyalty programs, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One commissioned a national MARU/Matchbox study. Here are the key findings, including data that reinforces AM/FM radio as the ideal medium for rideshare companies.

Agencies And Marketers Discussing And Using Podcast Advertising More Than Ever In Latest 2019 Advertiser Perceptions Report

By Pierre Bouvard
In September 2015, Westwood One commissioned Advertiser Perceptions to survey agencies and marketers about podcast advertising. Each year since then, brand and agency podcast sentiment has been tracked. Here are the results of the latest survey.

Audio, Brand Building, And Emotion Were Hot Topics At The 2019 ANA Masters Of Marketing Conference

By Pierre Bouvard
Over 3,000 attendees were present last week in Orlando for the Masters of Marketing conference held by the Association of National Advertisers, where they gathered to hear from the Chief Marketing Officers of some of the most respected and innovative brands. Here are a few of the key takeaways from the conference.

Brand Building AM/FM Radio Campaigns Are Key As Auto Parts Shoppers Shift To Direct-To-Consumer Retailers

By Pierre Bouvard
As online shopping for auto parts picks up steam, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One has commissioned MARU/Matchbox to conduct consumer studies to better understand the buying habits of the American auto parts consumer. Here are the results from studies conducted in 2017 and this year.

Westwood One Becomes First National Audio Platform to Select LeadsRx Attribution for Cross-Channel Advertiser Measurement

By Pierre Bouvard
Westwood One has chosen to partner with LeadsRx to power Westwood One’s attribution measurement as the first national audio platform to use LeadsRx attribution software to provide a comprehensive, quantitative analysis of how audio advertising drives advertiser search and site traffic.

AM/FM Radio Amasses Voters With 80% Share Of Ad-Supported Audio According To New Westwood One Analysis Of Edison Research’s “Share Of Ear” Political Data For Q2 2019

By Pierre Bouvard
Edison Research's “Share of Ear” quantifies the reach and time spent of all forms of audio. Here are some key findings from the latest “Share of Ear” Q2 2019 report.