Posts by

Pierre Bouvard

Creative Is Critical To Driving ROI: Get It Right With These Best Practices

By Pierre Bouvard
The best creative hits the connection point between the message, the media, and the tools. When these three components work together, creative is most effective. Here are best practices for achieving creative success and moving the sales needle through sound.

Turbocharge Search Impact With AM/FM Radio

By Pierre Bouvard
According to the Google Economic Impact Report and AdGooRoo, 1.2 million American businesses use Google search and report $2 of revenue for every dollar of search. eMarketer estimates $40.49 billion will be spent on search this year in the U.S. Can mass reach media like TV and AM/FM radio enhance search impact?

What Happens When Insurance Brands Hit TV’s Demographic “Bermuda Triangle”

By Pierre Bouvard
The insurance market is triggered by major life occurrences such as marriage, home purchase, and the arrival of children. Westwood One worked with researcher MARU/Vision Critical to ask Americans if they were going to purchase insurance in the next six months. Here are the results.

AM/FM Radio Is America’s #1 Mass Reach Media: So What

By Pierre Bouvard
Each quarter, Nielsen reports that AM/FM radio reaches more consumers than any other platform including TV, social media, and mobile platforms. This is a point of pride for AM/FM radio. But as impressive as it sounds, it doesn’t explain the benefit of mass reach for retailers and advertisers. What does this mean for them? As it turns out, a lot.

NextRadio App Proves Radio’s Ability To Deliver Customers To Stores

By Pierre Bouvard
NextRadio is the free smartphone app that lets consumers see and hear live, local radio. If a phone has an activated FM chip, the app allows the consumer to listen to live, local over-the-air radio. Westwood One is excited to be the first American radio network to embrace this powerful interactive platform and offer brands and agencies NextRadio mobile advertising solutions and ROI measurement.