Posts by

Pierre Bouvard

AM/FM Radio Is America’s #1 Mass Reach Media: So What

By Pierre Bouvard
Each quarter, Nielsen reports that AM/FM radio reaches more consumers than any other platform including TV, social media, and mobile platforms. This is a point of pride for AM/FM radio. But as impressive as it sounds, it doesn’t explain the benefit of mass reach for retailers and advertisers. What does this mean for them? As it turns out, a lot.

NextRadio App Proves Radio’s Ability To Deliver Customers To Stores

By Pierre Bouvard
NextRadio is the free smartphone app that lets consumers see and hear live, local radio. If a phone has an activated FM chip, the app allows the consumer to listen to live, local over-the-air radio. Westwood One is excited to be the first American radio network to embrace this powerful interactive platform and offer brands and agencies NextRadio mobile advertising solutions and ROI measurement.

AM/FM Radio Is America’s #1 Mass Reach Media: Here’s Why It Matters

By Pierre Bouvard

Quarter after quarter, Nielsen’s Total Audience Report reveals AM/FM radio is America’s number one mass reach media. It’s bigger than social, bigger than TV, and bigger than smartphones. Why is this important to advertisers? A major new study and an influential marketing book widely read among CMOs and brand managers explains why reach is so important.

AM/FM Radio Creates A Must-Hear Event

By Pierre Bouvard

Last November, 47 stations of the Radio Broadcasters of Chicagoland (RBC) came together to simultaneously broadcast a Town Hall event with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. After the event, Nielsen surveyed 728 Chicago adults to examine their attitudes, awareness, and listenership of the Town Hall. Here are the key findings.

4 Ways NCAA On The Radio Works For An Auto Shocks And Struts Manufacturer

By Pierre Bouvard

A major auto parts manufacturer wanted to quantify how their NCAA radio campaign was working to build their brand and grow purchase intent. Nielsen measured the differences in brand impact between those who were exposed to the NCAA radio campaign versus those who were unexposed. Here are the key findings.

AM/FM Radio’s New ROI Juggernaut: The NextRadio Smartphone Platform

By Pierre Bouvard

Westwood One, America’s largest radio network, is rolling out NextRadio as the first interactive audience measurement tool for over-the-air FM radio advertising campaigns. Westwood One’s NextRadio solution will deliver consumer insights and intelligence that optimizes campaigns and proves ROI to national advertisers.