Posts by

Pierre Bouvard

Two New Pharmaceutical Studies: Swoop Reveals AM/FM Radio Delivers Significant Reach And Time Spent Among The Digestion Aliment Segment And ABX Report Reveals AM/FM Radio Pharmaceutical Ads Are 94% As Effective As TV Ads At One-Fourth The CPM

By Pierre Bouvard
Since 2018, pharmaceutical and drug store spend on network radio has soared +59%, according to Miller Kaplan. Here are two case studies that illustrate why AM/FM radio works so well for the pharmaceutical category.

Two Slides Every Marketer Needs To Have And Why Brands Should Put 5% Of Their Digital Budgets Into Podcasts: Audio Streaming And Podcast Audiences From Edison Research’s Infinite Dial 2023

By Pierre Bouvard
A few weeks ago, Edison Research released their annual Infinite Dial study. For marketers, the most compelling aspect of the study highlighted audio streaming and podcast audiences. The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® has summarized the most crucial data on the U.S. audio streaming and podcast audiences into two slides.

New Study: How Ad-Supported Audio Can Power Movie Marketing

By Pierre Bouvard
Analysts predict a strong summer for the movie industry with twice as many films with $100M+ budgets set to release. Creating awareness and interest for movie releases is getting more challenging. To understand the media habits of theatergoers, the Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® commissioned Maru to field a national study of 1,010 consumers aged 18+ in November of 2022. Here are the key findings.

Surprise: AM/FM Radio Ratings Overtake TV Among Persons 18-49 For The First Time In Media History

By Pierre Bouvard
Last year, Nielsen’s Total Audience Report revealed AM/FM radio won versus TV in 18-34 average audiences. Now, AM/FM radio ratings have accomplished something few could have foreseen. Among persons 18-49, AM/FM radio now beats TV in average audience and weekly reach, a historic first.

AM/FM Radio Is The Reach Accelerator For Video And Digital: Amplify Your Media Plan With Network Radio

By Pierre Bouvard
Where can advertisers replace lost TV audiences? One approach is to shift more media budgets to digital and social. An analysis from the media optimization platform Nielsen Media Impact reveals such a shift does not grow incremental reach.

NCAA March Madness On AM/FM Radio: Why Sports Play-By-Play Listeners Are More Engaged Than The TV Audience And More Likely To Make Major Purchases

By Pierre Bouvard
Two new studies reveal while NCAA March Madness games are available both on TV and AM/FM radio, each broadcast has a very different audience profile. The TV audience consists of casual sports fans. The AM/FM radio play-by-play audience is far more passionate and engaged.

59 Tier One Automotive Brand Case Studies: AM/FM Radio Generates Significant Brand Awareness, Consideration, And Purchase Intent

By Pierre Bouvard
Independent data analysis agency Colourtext and Radiocentre, the UK commercial AM/FM radio industry group, recently released the largest and most comprehensive AM/FM radio ad effectiveness report in the world. As part of this massive study, 59 tier one auto campaigns were measured for brands like Toyota, Honda, Land Rover, BMW, VW, Nissan, Volvo, Lexus, and Jaguar.

Massive ABX Study Of TV And AM/FM Radio Ads Reveals Sight, Sound, And Motion Superiority Is A Myth; Plus What Game Of Thrones Teaches Us About The Power Of Audio

By Pierre Bouvard
To determine whether “sight, sound, and motion” trumps audio ads, ABX, the leader in syndicated advertising effectiveness, examined the largest head-to-head creative study of audio and video ads.

Cumulus Media And Signal Hill Insights’ Podcast Download – Fall 2022 Report: Watching Podcasts Generates Advertising Attentiveness Greater Than Linear TV; Advertiser Use Of Podcasts Soars To Record Levels

By Lauren Vetrano and Jeff Vidler
For the ninth edition of the Podcast Download series, Cumulus Media and Signal Hill Insights retained MARU/Matchbox to conduct an in-depth study of 603 weekly podcast listeners in October 2022. The Fall 2022 Report highlights trends from prior studies and examines new topics such as co-listening among parents with children and listener perceptions of brand safety and content appropriateness.

Edison’s “Share Of Ear” Q3 2022: AM/FM Radio Streaming Listening Surges, Now 20% Bigger Than Ad-Supported Spotify And Pandora Combined, And Podcast Audiences Explode

By Pierre Bouvard
Edison Research’s quarterly “Share of Ear” study is the authoritative examination of time spent with audio in America. Here are the findings of the just released Q3 2022 report.

Back To The Office: Marketers And Agencies Increase Commutes And Days In The Office But Still Lag Behind Average Americans Who Are Exposed More Frequently To Out-of-Home Advertising And AM/FM Radio Ads 

By Pierre Bouvard
Two studies have revealed that despite growth in brand and agency commutes, the marketing industry is still working from home more than the average American. Compared to marketers and agencies, the average American is exposed more frequently to billboards, out-of-home advertising, and AM/FM radio ads.

Two Case Studies: AM/FM Radio And Podcasts Work For Pet Supplies Retailers

By Pierre Bouvard
The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® commissioned a series of Signal Hill Insights studies to measure the impact of two pet retailer campaigns. One was for a retailer’s network radio campaign and one was for a podcast campaign. Both studies revealed AM/FM radio and podcast advertising can generate a significant brand lift and sales effect.

Audio Has A Prominent Role At The Association Of National Advertisers Masters Of Marketing Conference Where CMOs Demonstrated That Diverse And Emotional Creative Generate Powerful Sales Effect

By Pierre Bouvard
Over 2,000 attendees were present last week in Orlando for the Masters of Marketing conference held by the Association of National Advertisers where they gathered to hear from the Chief Marketing Officers of some of the world’s most respected and innovative brands.