
Audio Active Group®

The Q4 2017 TV Ratings: Still “Worse Than We Thought”

By Lauren Vetrano
When MoffettNathanson, Wall Street media research and analysis firm, reported on the poor state of television ratings in November, they titled their report "Worse Than We Thought." Now that the Q4 2017 analyses have been released, MoffettNathanson’s assessment is television’s audience decline doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. Here are some highlights on the state of television from the MoffettNathanson report.

Sonic Branding: Bring Your Brand Front Of Mind When Consumers Are Shopping

By Lauren Vetrano
One powerful way to create recognition and emotion is through sonic branding, the strategy of using sound to differentiate brands. Audio signatures, familiar voices, iconic taglines, brand anthems, jingles – all are examples of sonic branding that use sound creatively and effectively.

Turbocharge Search Impact With AM/FM Radio

By Pierre Bouvard
According to the Google Economic Impact Report and AdGooRoo, 1.2 million American businesses use Google search and report $2 of revenue for every dollar of search. eMarketer estimates $40.49 billion will be spent on search this year in the U.S. Can mass reach media like TV and AM/FM radio enhance search impact?

What Happens When Insurance Brands Hit TV’s Demographic “Bermuda Triangle”

By Pierre Bouvard
The insurance market is triggered by major life occurrences such as marriage, home purchase, and the arrival of children. Westwood One worked with researcher MARU/Vision Critical to ask Americans if they were going to purchase insurance in the next six months. Here are the results.

The Podcast Download: Speed Listening, Ad Loads, And Subscription Models

By Doug Hyde
Westwood One recently commissioned The Podcast Download Fall 2017 Report in order to understand the advertising environment around podcast content. The results were presented by Westwood One at the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s Podcast Upfront event in New York City. Here are the key findings.