Radio Is America’s #1 Mass Reach Medium
Pierre Bouvard
According to Nielsen, more than 90% of Americans are reached weekly by radio -- more than TV and smartphones.

This Just In: New Data On TV Viewing Levels And Demographics
Pierre Bouvard
In the last year, TV viewing levels have plunged while radio listening levels are remarkably stable.

Nielsen: Radio Listeners Are Younger, More Employed, And More Social Than TV Viewers
Pierre Bouvard
Radio’s power listeners have more in common with digital than they do with TV. In fact, when compared to heavy TV users, the heaviest radio users are younger, work more, use social media more, and have larger households.

How Radio Personality Live Reads Increase Results by 40%
Pierre Bouvard
One advertiser used live personality endorsements paired with texting to get measurable results on the radio.

SUBWAY CMO On Why Radio Personalities Can Sell
Westwood One
Congrats to SUBWAY on earning the title of 2015 Marketer of the Year at this year's Radio Mercury Awards. CMO Tony Pace talks about how the company uses personality endorsements within radio programming such as the NFL.

Did You See What Netflix & Pandora Did Last Night? How Streaming Stacks Up To Radio & TV
Pierre Bouvard
Two research firms quantify the actual magnitude of streaming services on radio and TV. It turns out AM/FM listening is 8 times bigger than Pandora.

Radio: The Original Native Advertising Platform
Pierre Bouvard
Long before you ever heard of the buzzphrase "native advertising," radio hosts were doing it.