Tag: Case Study

Case Study: AM/FM Radio Campaign For A Pharmaceutical Brand Generates Strong Lift In Brand Equity And Actions Taken With No Negative Reaction To Disclaimer

By Pierre Bouvard
With cable penetration falling from 90% of all homes to only 62% and a shift of TV viewing to advertising-free streaming video services, pharmaceutical brands need to maintain reach by adding new media platforms. Here's how AM/FM radio can help.

Case Study: AM/FM Radio Plays A Powerful And Unique Role In The Media Plan As Streaming Video Brands Battle For Awareness And Subscribers

By Pierre Bouvard
With streaming video brands turning to AM/FM radio like never before, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One retained Nielsen to measure the impact of one streaming service’s NFL AM/FM radio investment. Here are the key findings.

New CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One And Horizon Media Study: Why Artificial Fan Noise Increases Ad Receptivity At Live Sporting Events

By Pierre Bouvard
To learn what sports fans thought about fan noise, as well as to ask about their other sports opinions in a year unlike any other, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One and Horizon Media commissioned MARU/Matchbox to execute a study.

New CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One Study Reveals 12 Million Americans Are Looking For A New Tax Preparation Provider; Reaching These Service Switchers Will Take More Than TV And Digital

By Pierre Bouvard
According to Kantar, between $350 million and $400 million are spent annually marketing personal tax services. To understand the current state of the consumer tax category, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One fielded a 990-person national study in October of 2020. These are the key findings.

Case Study: AM/FM Radio Powers A Streaming Video Subscription Service As Online Video Now Represents The Majority Of American TV Time Spent

By Pierre Bouvard
A streaming video subscription brand recently utilized AM/FM radio to drive awareness and interest in their service. Here are some of the results of the campaign plus a look at the current TV ecosystem and how viewing patterns are changing.

Health And Nutrition Products Retailer Uses AM/FM Radio To Drive Awareness And Website Traffic

By Pierre Bouvard
A national health and nutrition products retailer utilized AM/FM radio to drive awareness for a new product launch. CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One retained MARU/Matchbox to measure brand effect and LeadsRx to quantify search and site traffic.