Tag: Case Study

New CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One Study Reveals 12 Million Americans Are Looking For A New Tax Preparation Provider; Reaching These Service Switchers Will Take More Than TV And Digital

By Pierre Bouvard
According to Kantar, between $350 million and $400 million are spent annually marketing personal tax services. To understand the current state of the consumer tax category, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One fielded a 990-person national study in October of 2020. These are the key findings.

Case Study: AM/FM Radio Powers A Streaming Video Subscription Service As Online Video Now Represents The Majority Of American TV Time Spent

By Pierre Bouvard
A streaming video subscription brand recently utilized AM/FM radio to drive awareness and interest in their service. Here are some of the results of the campaign plus a look at the current TV ecosystem and how viewing patterns are changing.

Health And Nutrition Products Retailer Uses AM/FM Radio To Drive Awareness And Website Traffic

By Pierre Bouvard
A national health and nutrition products retailer utilized AM/FM radio to drive awareness for a new product launch. CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One retained MARU/Matchbox to measure brand effect and LeadsRx to quantify search and site traffic.

Nielsen: Adding AM/FM Radio To Political TV Buys Generates Dramatic Lift In Reach

By Pierre Bouvard
Local Media Impact is Nielsen’s new local market media planning and optimization platform. For the first time, agencies can now determine the lift in reach achieved by adding AM/FM radio to television and digital campaigns. Here's how it works for political.

Drive-To-Web Attribution Case Study For Jewelry Retailer: AM/FM Radio Generates Site Traffic, Plus Creative Performance Insights

By Lauren Vetrano
Westwood One partnered with LeadsRx, a marketing attribution platform that measures website visitor traffic increases after consumers are exposed to advertising, to study online behavior for a major jewelry retailer during their recent national AM/FM radio campaign.

Rideshare Giants Uber And Lyft Find Ideal Customer Base In AM/FM Radio Listeners

By Pierre Bouvard
To understand the awareness and usage of Uber and Lyft and their customer loyalty programs, CUMULUS MEDIA | Westwood One commissioned a national MARU/Matchbox study. Here are the key findings, including data that reinforces AM/FM radio as the ideal medium for rideshare companies.