Tag: Case Study

Brand Early And Often: How A Major Insurance Company Used Creative Best Practices To Boost Purchase Intent +160%

Largest Creative Test Ever Conducted Reveals AM/FM Radio Ads Drive Purchase Intent for Tier Two Automotive

AM/FM Radio Powers Amazon Prime Day 2018

AM/FM Radio Drives Brand Awareness For Auto Aftermarket Brand Rain-X

AM/FM Radio Drives TV Tune-In

AM/FM Radio Reaches America’s Light TV Viewers

Better Together: T-Mobile And Sprint Merger Represents Significant Growth Opportunities For Both Brands

Proving Promotion Effect: AM/FM Radio’s “End Of Dry Skin” Event Drives Significant Brand Effect For Curél

Radio Ads Paired With Visuals In The Car Supercharge Advertising Impact

Groundbreaking Research Proves AM/FM Radio Delivers Strong ROI For Personal Care Brand

What Happens When Insurance Brands Hit TV’s Demographic “Bermuda Triangle”

AM/FM Radio Creates A Must-Hear Event
Last November, 47 stations of the Radio Broadcasters of Chicagoland (RBC) came together to simultaneously broadcast a Town Hall event with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. After the event, Nielsen surveyed 728 Chicago adults to examine their attitudes, awareness, and listenership of the Town Hall. Here are the key findings.

4 Ways NCAA On The Radio Works For An Auto Shocks And Struts Manufacturer
A major auto parts manufacturer wanted to quantify how their NCAA radio campaign was working to build their brand and grow purchase intent. Nielsen measured the differences in brand impact between those who were exposed to the NCAA radio campaign versus those who were unexposed. Here are the key findings.

Westwood One NFL Coverage Boosts Mobile App Downloads And Usage

ROI Case Study: Major Motorcycle Manufacturer Builds Its Brand With Westwood One NFL And NCAA
You don't need a visual to get people to resonate with key brand attributes. A major motorcycle brand used Westwood One’s NFL and NCAA platforms to tell its story.